From hype videos, to backpacks, there’s lots of ways to help!

  • Donate time

    Donating to non-profit organizations goes beyond financial contributions. At 40 Staples Strong, you can show your support in various ways such as sending in hype videos or following us on Instagram. Your involvement, no matter how small, can play a significant role in advancing our mission and improving the lives of those in need. Be a part of our mission and join us in making a real difference.

  • Donate items

    Support survivors in a tangible way with our Amazon registry and business partnerships. Your generosity can make a direct and immediate impact with just a few clicks. From adding essentials to a Game Day backpack to donating a hat, there are a variety of items available to purchase that will directly benefit survivors. Choose an item that speaks to you and make a difference today.

  • Donate money

    Your financial support can bring hope to patients in need. Make a direct and secure contribution through PayPal or on our website, and know that your generosity will go directly to those who need it most. At 40 Staples Strong, we are committed to transparency and accountability. Your donation will be used to its fullest potential, without any waste or unnecessary expenses.